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publicadjective not known by only a select fewthe mayor's plans to retire have been public knowledge for some time open general, popularnonclassified, unclassified, well-knownadvertised, aired, announced, broadcast, declared, disclosed, divulged, heralded, posted, proclaimed, promulgated, publicized, published, spotlightedcurrent, prevalent, rife, widespreadcommunal, sharedreported, reputed, rumored on record confidential, private, privy, secret classifiedunadvertised, unannounced, undisclosedclandestine, collusive, conspiratorial, covertsurreptitious, undercover, underhand, underhandedintimate, personalconcealed, repressed, reserved, silenced, stifled, suppressed, withheldrecanted, retracted, revoked freely available for use or participation by alla public swimming pool free-for-all, open, unrestricted collective, common, communal, sharedaccessible, available, freeunregulated, unreserved closed, exclusive, off-limits, private, restricted limitedinaccessible, unavailable of or relating to a nationa trade agreement in the public interest civil, national civic, federal, municipalgovernment, governmentaldomestic, internal, intestinedemocratic, republicannationwide nonnational global, internationalalien, external, foreign held by or applicable to a majority of the peoplepublic sentiment was against the war common, general, majority, overall, popular, prevailing, received, ruling, vulgar unanimous, universalpopeveryday, familiar, household, usual, well-knowncontemporary, current, presentdominant, predominant, preponderantcharacteristic, typicalpandemic, pervasive, prevalent, rife, widespreadcommunal, shared uncommon, unpopular rare, strange, unknown, unusualdistinctive, especial, idiosyncratic, peculiar, special, uniqueindividual, separate, singularnonpublic, personal, private used or done by a number of people as a grouppublic transportation collaborative, collective, combined, common, communal, concerted, conjoint, conjunct, cooperative, joint, multiple, mutual, pooled, shared, united bilateral, consensual, reciprocal, symbiotic, synergic, synergistic, two-waymass, populargeneral, generic, universal exclusive, individual, one-man, one-sided, one-way, single, sole, solitary, unilateral personal, privateindependent, separate, severalesoteric, particular, special, specialized publicnounhuman beings in generala lecture open to the public folks, humanity, humankind, people, species, world community, societycrowd, masses, mob, populace, proletariat, rabble, rabblement, riffraff the body of the community as contrasted with the elitethe highbrows have always disdained his novels, but the public just eats them up commoners, commons, crowd, herd, hoi polloi, mass, millions, mob, multitude, people, plebeians, plebs, populace, rank and file cattle, proletariat, rabble, rabblement, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, rout, scum, tag, rag, and bobtail(or tagrag and bobtail), trash, unwashedbourgeoisie, middle class A-list, aristocracy, best, choice, corps d'elite, cream, elect, elite, fat, flower, pick, pink, pride, upper crust gentility, gentlefolk(also gentlefolks), gentry, haute monde, nobility, patriciate, peerage, quality, royalty, society in the 14th century |