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publicizeverb to provide publicity forthe movie studios widely publicized their summer blockbusters ballyhoo, boost, hype, pitch, plug, promote, talk up, tout advertise, bark, merchandise(also merchandize), sellpushacclaim, hail, laud, praiseendorse(also indorse), plump (for), plunk (for)or plonk (for)recommend, reviewannounce, broadcast, publish beat the drum (for) to make known openly or publiclythe city hasn't done a good job of publicizing the new regulations for its recycling operation advertise, announce, annunciate, blare, blaze, blazon, broadcast, declare, enunciate, flash, give out, herald, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publish, release, sound, trumpet bark, call (off or out), crybill, billboard, bulletin, gazette(chiefly British)knell, ring, tollblurb, feature, pitch, plug, promote, puffdisseminate, spreaddisclose, divulge, introduce, kithe(chiefly Scottish), manifest, report, reveal, showadvise, apprise, hand down, inform, notifycommunicate, impart, intimate beat the drum (for or about), run with conceal, hush (up), silence, suppress, withholdrecall, recant, retract, revoke in 1832 |