例句 |
publishverb to produce and release for distribution in printed formour local animal shelter publishes a newsletter get out, issue, print, put out copublishreissue, reprint, republishserializecontribute, edit, syndicatemanufacture, producedistribute, market come out with censor, suppress to make known openly or publiclywill publish the exam scores as soon as they are available advertise, announce, annunciate, blare, blaze, blazon, broadcast, declare, enunciate, flash, give out, herald, placard, post, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, release, sound, trumpet bark, call (off or out), crybill, billboard, bulletin, gazette(chiefly British)knell, ring, tollblurb, feature, pitch, plug, promote, puffdisseminate, spreaddisclose, divulge, introduce, kithe(chiefly Scottish), manifest, report, reveal, showadvise, apprise, hand down, inform, notifycommunicate, impart, intimate beat the drum (for or about), run with conceal, hush (up), silence, suppress, withholdrecall, recant, retract, revoke in the 14th century |