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issuenoun a condition or occurrence traceable to a causeone of the issues of the Civil War was a resolution to the question of states' rights aftereffect, aftermath, backwash, child, conclusion, consequence, corollary, development, effect, fate, fruit, outcome, outgrowth, precipitate, product, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, upshot ramificationdenouement(also dénouement), echo, implication, repercussionafterclap, afterglow, aftershockblowback, by-product, fallout, offshoot, ripple, side effect(also side reaction), spin-off matter of course antecedent, causation, cause, occasion, reason consideration, determinant, factorbase, basis, foundation, ground, groundworkimpetus, incentive, inspiration, instigation, stimulusmother, origin, root, source, spring a place or means of going outsince the lake is the issue of the polluted river, it is becoming polluted as well egress, exit, outlet escape, escape hatch, releasegate, mouth, opening, passage, vent entrance, entranceway, entry, entryway, ingress access, entrée(or entree) the descendants of a person, animal, or plantsomeone who dies without issue might have their estate turned over to the state fruit, get, offspring, posterity, progeny, seed, spawn brood, hatch, litter, youngchild, scionfamily, kinlineage, stock ancestor, antecedent, father, forebear(also forbear), forebearer, forefather, grandfather, parent, primogenitor, progenitor issueverbto produce and release for distribution in printed formplans to issue a monthly newsletter get out, print, publish, put out copublishreissue, reprint, republishserializecontribute, edit, syndicatemanufacture, producedistribute, market come out with censor, suppress to throw or give offa volcano issuing vast clouds of hot ash cast, discharge, emanate, emit, evolve, exhale, expel, expire(archaic), give out, irradiate, radiate, release, send (out), shoot, throw out, vent eliminate, evacuate, excrete, exude, ooze, secreteeject, erupt, gush, jet, outpour, pour, spew, spout, spray, spurt, squirt absorb, inhale, soak (up), sponge, suck (up), take up v.spring, arise, rise, originate, derive, flow, issue, emanate, proceed, stem mean to come up or out of something into existence.spring implies rapid or sudden emerging.an idea that springs to mind arise and rise may both convey the fact of coming into existence or notice but rise often stresses gradual growth or ascent.new questions have arisen slowly rose to prominence originate implies a definite source or starting point.the fire originated in the basement derive implies a prior existence in another form.the holiday derives from an ancient Roman feast flow adds to spring a suggestion of abundance or ease of inception.words flowed easily from her pen issue suggests emerging from confinement through an outlet.blood issued from the cut emanate applies to the coming of something immaterial (such as a thought) from a source.reports emanating from the capital proceed stresses place of origin, derivation, parentage, or logical cause.advice that proceeds from the best of intentions stem implies originating by dividing or branching off from something as an outgrowth or subordinate development.industries stemming from space research in the 14th century |