例句 |
itemnoun a separate part in a list, account, or seriesthey remembered to buy all the items on their grocery list except cereal detail, particular, point article, belonging, object, stuff, thingcharacteristic, component, constituent, element, factor, feature, memberingredientdivision, particle, partition, piece, portion, section, segment aggregate, composite, compound, conglomerateentirety, sum, summation, total, totality, whole a report of recent events or facts not previously knownour next item is about the blizzard blanketing the East Coast 411(slang), advice(s), gen(chiefly British), info, information, intelligence, news, story, tidings, uncos(chiefly Scottish), word announcement, bulletin, communication, correspondence, dispatch, message, reportagedope, lowdown, scoop, tidbit(also titbit), tipgossip, rumor, tale, tattlefeedbackdisinformation, propaganda item, detail, particular mean one of the distinct parts of a whole.item applies to each thing specified separately in a list or in a group of things that might be listed or enumerated.every item on the list detail applies to one of the small component parts of a larger whole such as a task, building, painting, narration, or process.leave the details to others particular stresses the smallness, singleness, and especially the concreteness of a detail or item.a description that included few particulars in the 14th century |