例句 |
jabbernoun unintelligible or meaningless talkto me the baby's speech was simply jabber, but his mother claimed to know exactly what he was saying abracadabra, babble, blabber, burble, double Dutch, double-talk, drivel, gabble, gibber, gibberish, jabberwocky, mumbo jumbo, nonsense, prattle, slobber blah(also blah-blah), hocus-pocus, hokeypokey, twaddlechatter, gab, patter, prate, tattle, twittercackle, clack, clatter jabberverbto engage in casual or rambling conversationplease do not jabber during the rabbi's sermon babble, blab, cackle, chaffer(British), chat, chatter, chin(slang), converse, gab, gabble, gas, jaw, kibitz(also kibbitz), natter, palaver, patter, prate, prattle, rap, rattle, run on, schmooze(or shmooze), talk, twitter, visit gossip, tattledescant, discuss, expatiateyak(also yack), yammer, yap blow smoke, chew the fat(also chew the rag), shoot the breeze, talk a blue streak to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and usually unintelligiblymonkeys jabbering at each other in their cages babble, bumble, chat, chatter, drivel, drool, gabble, gibber, prattle, sputter blabber, blather, bleat, blither, gab, jangle, jaw, patter, prate, rattle, run on, smatter, tittle-tattle, troll, yak(also yack)chunter(British), maunder, mouth, mumble, murmur, mutterstammer, stutterscreech, shout, shriek articulate, enunciate, pronounce in the 15th century |