

单词 did
例句 didverbpast tense of do

to be fitting or properthat outfit just won't do for the opera

befitted, beseemed(archaic), fitted(or fit, archaic), served, suited, went

satisfied, sufficedfunctioned, worked(or wrought)

filled the bill(or fitted the bill)

to be enougheven half of that amount of sugar will do

served, sufficed

answered, suitedassuaged, contented, quenched, sated, satiated, satisfied

to carry through (as a process) to completiondo as much as you can and leave the rest

accomplished, achieved, brought off, carried off, carried out, committed, compassed, executed, followed through (with), fulfilled, made, negotiated, performed, perpetrated, prosecuted, pulled off, put through

brought about, effected, effectuated, implementedaced, nailedengaged (in), practiced(also practised)worked (at)reduplicated, reenacted, repeatedactualized, attained, realizedcompleted, ended, finished, wound up(also winded up)

went through

failedskimped, slighted, slurred

to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becomingdid the living room in French provincial style

adorned, arrayed, beautified, bedecked, bedizened, blazoned, caparisoned, decked, decorated, did up, dolled up, draped, dressed, embellished, emblazed, embossed, enriched, fancied up, fancified, festooned, garnished, glitzed (up), graced, gussied up, ornamented, prettied (up), trimmed

accessorized, dressed up, trapped, tricked (out)brightened, freshened, smartened, spruced (up)bossed, chasedbraided, embroidered, feathered, figured, filigreed, filleted, flounced, frilled, fringed, furbelowed, garlanded, hung(also hanged), laced, ribboned, swagged, wreathedappliquéd, gilded(or gilt), painteddiamonded, gemmed, impearled, jeweled(or jewelled), pearledredecorated, redid

blemished, defaced, disfigured, marred, scarred, spoiled(or chiefly British spoilt)

simplified, streamlinedbared, denuded, dismantled, displayed, divested, exposed, revealed, stripped(also stript), uncovereduglified

to meet one's day-to-day needsI'm doing just fine

coped, fared, got along, got by, got on, made out, managed, shifted

carried on, contrived, scraped (by or through), scroungedlasted, survivedeked out, scraped (out), squeezed, wrested, wrungafforded, swung

fended for oneself, made do, made ends meet, made shift

collapsed, failed, fell short, fizzled, floundereddeclined, petered (out), slumped, wanedgave up

to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind)this neighborhood cleanup effort might just do some good

begot(also begat), bred, brought, brought about, brought on, catalyzed, caused, created, drew on, effected, effectuated, engendered, generated, induced, invoked, made, occasioned, produced, prompted, resulted (in), spawned, translated (into), worked(or wrought), yielded

conduced (to), contributed (to)decided, determinedbegan, established, fathered, founded, inaugurated, initiated, innovated, instituted, introduced, launched, pioneered, set, set up, startedadvanced, cultivated, developed, encouraged, forwarded, fostered, furthered, nourished, nurtured, promotedenacted, rendered, turned out

brought forth, gave rise to

impeded, limited, restrictedclamped down (on), cracked down (on), crushed, dampened, put down, quashed, quelled, repressed, smothered, squashed, squelched, stifled, subdued, suppressedarrested, checked, controlled, curbed, inhibited, reined (in), restrained, retardedcanned(slang), killed, snuffed (out), stilledabolished, demolished, destroyed, extinguished, liquidated, quenched

to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun ofthe laughing partygoers begged their host to do Marlon Brando again

burlesqued, caricatured, imitated, mimicked, mocked, parodied, sent up, spoofed, travestied

lampooned, pasquinaded, satirizedderided, gibed(or jibed), ridiculedaped, copycatted, monkeyed, parrotedduplicated, emulated, replicated, reproducedacted, counterfeited, dissembled, faked, feigned, pretended, shammed, simulatedelaborated, embellished, embroidered, exaggerated, magnified, padded, played up, stretchedamplified, enhanced, enlarged (on or upon), expanded, fleshed (out), overdrew, overstated, put onmimed, pantomimedimpersonated, performed, personated, played

to move forward along a coursehow are you doing with the house restoration?

advanced, came, came along, fared, forged, got along, got on, marched, paced, proceeded, progressed, went, went along, went off

accelerated, fast-forwarded, sped(or speeded)approached, nearedjourneyed, passed, ran(also chiefly dialectical run), repaired, traveled(or travelled), wendedactuated, drove, impelled, propelled, pushedtook out

gained ground

remained, stayed, stood, stopped

arrested, balked, blocked, checked, detained, halted, held back, hindered, impeded, nipped, obstructed, slowed (down or up), stemmedrepressed, retarded, stunted, suppresseddelayed, interrupted, stalledcramped, hampered, inhibitedceased, let up, pausedregressedwaited

to present a portrayal or performance ofshe's done Eliza Doolittle on the stage so many times that she can probably play the flower girl in her sleep

acted, impersonated, interpreted, performed, played, portrayed

depicted, dramatized, rendered, representedacted out, enacted, pantomimed, playacted, role-played, took onoveracted, overplayed, underplayedaped, clowned, hammed, imitated, masqueraded, mimed, mimicked, posed (as)starred (in)coacted(or co-acted), costarred(or co-starred)

to rob by the use of trickery or threatsdid them out of their savings with surprising ease

beat, bilked, bled, cheated, chiseled(or chiselled), choused, conned, cozened, defrauded, diddled, did in, euchred, fiddled, fleeced, flimflammed, gaffed, gypped, hosed(slang), hustled, mulcted, nobbled(British slang), plucked, reamed, ripped off, rooked, screwed, shook down, shortchanged, shorted, skinned, skunked, squeezed, stiffed, stuck, stung, suckered, swindled, thimblerigged, victimized

extorted, wrenched, wrested, wrungclipped, gouged, nicked, overcharged, soakedexploited, milkeddeceived, duped, fooled, gulled, trickedroped (in)betrayed, bitched, double-crossedbamboozled, fast-talked

sold a bill of goods to, took for a ride, took to the cleaners

to strike repeatedlyno one is sure who did them in that alley

bashed, basted, batted, battered, beat, belabored, belted, birched, bludgeoned, buffeted, bunged up, clubbed, curried, drubbed, fibbed(British), flogged, hammered, hided, laced, lambasted, lashed, lathered, licked, mauled, messed (up), paddled, pelted, pommeled(or pommelled), pounded, pummeled(also pummelled), punched out, roughed (up), slated, slogged, switched, tanned, thrashed, threshed, thumped, tromped, walloped, whaled, whipped, whopped(or whapped), whupped, worked over

assailed, assaulted, attacked, beset, boxed, busted(also bust), chopped, clobbered, clouted, cracked, cudgeled(or cudgelled), cuffed, descended (on or upon), hit, jumped (on), knocked, laid on, lammed, pasted, pounced (on or upon), punched, raided, rushed, slammed, slapped, smacked, smashed, socked, spanked, stormed, swatted, swiped, thwacked, whacked, whammed, whompedblackjacked, caned, cowhided, flagellated, fustigated, horsewhipped, leathered, pistol-whipped, rawhided, scourged, strappedgored, lacerated, woundedmaimed, mangled, mutilated

beat up on

to take placenothing's ever doing in this boring little town

befell, betided, came, came about, came down, came off, chanced, cooked, happed, happened, occurred, passed, transpired, was, went down(slang), went on

broke, developed, rose, shaped (up)arose, came up, cropped (up), materialized, sprang (up)(or sprung (up))intervenedfell out, followed, resulted, turned outproceeded, went off

came to pass





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