例句 |
differedverbpast tense of differ to be unlike; to not be the samemy brother and I differ markedly in the way we handle money contrasted, varied deviated, diverged, divided, fluctuated, separated compared, matched accorded, agreed, conformed, corresponded to have a different opinionafter much arguing, we simply have agreed to differ about the issue disagreed, dissented, nonconcurred clashed, collided, conflicted, contrastedcountered, debated, objected, opposed, protested, resistedcontested, disputedargued, bickered, fell out, quarreled(or quarrelled) took issue agreed, assented, concurred acceded, accepted, acquiesced, complied, consented, deferred, subscribedaffiliated, allied, associated, came round, collaborated, colluded, compromised, cooperated, got along, sided |