例句 |
dilemmanoun a situation in which one has to choose between two or more equally unsatisfactory choicesfaced with a dilemma of whether to risk continuing to drive in the dangerous storm or to give up searching for the lost dog and hope he survived catch-22, double bind, quandary deadlock, impasse, quagmire, stalemate, standoffknot, problembind, difficulty, fix, hole, jam, pickle, pinch, plight, predicament, spot breeze, cinch, duck soup, snap a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escapewith home prices in a free fall, sellers were in a terrible dilemma bind, box, catch-22, corner, fix, hole, impasse, jackpot(chiefly West), jam, mire, pickle, predicament, quagmire, rabbit hole, rattrap, spot, sticky wicket, swamp difficulty, nodehot water, souppinch, plight, quandary, scrape, troubledeadlock, halt, logjam, stalemate, standstillclutch, crisis, crossroad, emergency, exigency, juncture, strait kettle of fish in 1523 |