例句 |
dilettantesnounor dilettantipl. of dilettante a person having a knowledgeable and fine appreciation of the artsshe writes about art not from the point of view of an artist but from that of a committed dilettante cognoscenti, connoisseurs adepts, authorities, experts, maestros(or maestri), masters, past masters, scholars, virtuosos(or virtuosi)critics, reviewersamateurs, dabblerscollectorsspecialistsaficionados(also afficionados), buffs, devotees, enthusiasts, fans groundlings, lowbrows, materialists, philistines a person who regularly or occasionally engages in an activity as a pastime rather than as a professiona dilettante at heart, she was never willing to commit the time and effort that ballet demands amateurs, dabblers, hobbyists, laymen, nonexperts, nonprofessionals, potterers, putterers, tinkerers all-rounders(British), generalists, general practitioners, jacks-of-all-tradesaficionados(also afficionados), buffs, devotees, enthusiasts, fans authorities, experts, professionals, pros, specialists |