例句 |
supremacynoun controlling power or influence over othersthe Roman empire had supremacy over the entire Mediterranean world ascendance(also ascendence), ascendancy(also ascendency), dominance, domination, dominion, hegemony, imperium, predominance, predominancy, preeminence, reign, sovereignty(also sovranty) primacy, superioritylordship, scepterarm, authority, choke hold, clutch, command, control, grip, hold, mastery, swaytakeoverdirection, jurisdiction, managementclout, might, pull, weighteminence, importance, momentprerogative, privilege, right helplessness, weaknessimpotence, impotency, powerlessness exceptionally high qualitythe supremacy of cashmere among wools accounts for its high price choiceness, distinction, excellence, excellency, first-rateness, greatness, perfection, preeminence, primeness, superbness, superiority faultlessness, flawlessness, impeccability, perfectnessgoodness, value, worthconsequence, importance, notability averageness, badness, crumminess, inferiority, mediocrity, ordinariness, worthlessness the fact or state of being above others in rank or importanceEngland's maritime supremacy in the 18th century distinction, dominance, eminence, noteworthiness, paramountcy, preeminence, preponderance, preponderancy, prepotency, prestigiousness, primacy, superiority, transcendence celebrity, fame, famousness, glory, honor, kudos, renown, reputation, reputemegastardom, stardom, superstardomgreatness, illustriousness, nobleness, notablenessascendance(also ascendence), ascendancy(also ascendency), authority, domination, dominioninfluence, power, prestige, weightinfamy, notoriety insignificanceinferiority, mediocrityobscureness, obscurity in 1537 |