例句 |
archetypenoun something belonging to an earlier time from which something else was later developedthe abacus is sometimes cited as the archetype of the modern digital calculator ancestor, antecedent, daddy, foregoer, forerunner, granddaddy(also grandaddy), precursor, predecessor, prototype model, originaloriginator, sirefather, mother descendant(also descendent) by-product, derivative, offshoot, outgrowth, spin-offdaughter, son something from which copies are madeBeowulf is considered by some scholars to be the archetype for medieval British heroic tales original, prototype sourceexample, mold, paradigm, patternbeau ideal, classic, exemplar, ideal, model, nonpareil, paragonblueprint, draft copy, imitation, replica, reproductioncounterfeit, fake, forgery, sham in 1545 |