

单词 jets
例句 jetsnounpl. of jet

a usually forceful stream of fluid discharged from a narrow openingbought a new showerhead that emits a superpowerful jet of water

spouts, spurts, squirts

flushes, gushes, spewsspits, sprays, spritzesgeysers, spoutersblasts, bursts

jetsverbpresent tense third-person singular of jet

to flow out in great quantities or with forcewater jetting out of opened fire hydrants at a dangerously high rate

gushes, pours, rushes, spews, spouts, spurts, squirts, swooshes

cascades, issues, rolls, runs, streamsplashes, sloshes, splashes, washessurges, swellsflushes, sluicesdeluges, drowns, engulfs, floods, inundates, overflows, overwhelms, submerges, submerses, swampsfountains

dribbles, drips, drops, trickles

spatters, sprinklesbleeds, exudes, leaks, oozes, percolates, seeps, strains, weeps

to violently throw out or off (something from within)the volcano has been jetting out fiery lava in life-threatening amounts

belches, disgorges, ejects, eructs, erupts, expels, spews, spouts, spurts

gushes, pours, squirts, streams, surgesemanates, exhales, issues, releases, shoots, spits, springs, ventsdischarges, emits, firescasts, flings, heaves, hurls, launches, pitches, tosses

bottles (up), contains, restrains, shuts (in or up)

to proceed or move quicklythe presidential candidates jetted through the state for a week before racing off to the next primary

barrels, belts, blasts, blazes, blows, bolts, bombs(slang), bowls, breezes, bundles, bustles, buzzes, cannonballs, careens, careers, chases, courses, cracks (on), dashes, drives, flies, hares, hastens, hies, highballs, hotfoots (it), humps, hurls, hurries, hurtles, hustles, jumps, motors, nips, pelts, races, rams, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, rustles, scoots, scurries, scuttles, shoots, speeds, steps, tears, travels, trots, whirls, whisks, zips, zooms

beetles, darts, flits, scampers, scuds, scufflesstampedes, streaks, whizzesgallops, jogs, sprintsaccelerates, quickens, steps outcatches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakesarrows, beelines

beats it, gets a move on, makes tracks, shakes a leg, steps on it

crawls, creeps, pokes

dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drags, hangs (around or out), lags, lingers, loiters, pokes, tarriesambles, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up)





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