例句 |
jewelnoun a usually valuable stone cut and polished for ornamenta necklace set with priceless jewels brilliant, gem, gemstone, rock(slang) bauble, bijou, trinketbirthstonebaguette, cabochon, cameo, scarab, solitaire, teardroppaste, rhinestone, zirconcrown jewels, jewelry rough an asset that brings praise or renownan illuminated medieval manuscript that is the jewel of the library's collection of rare books boast, credit, crown jewel, glory, honor, pride, treasure, trophy pièce de résistance, showpieceattraction, feature, highlightdistinction, excellence, merit, value, virtue a feather in one's cap disgrace, dishonorblemish, blot, defect, shame, slur, smirch, smudge, stain, stigmaeyesore, fright, horror, mess someone or something unusually desirablea star athlete who would be a jewel for any team catch, gem, pearl, plum, prize, treasure blessing, find, godsend, goody(or goodie), valuable, windfallbooty, loot, plunder, spoil, swagbrass ringglory, pridegold, jackpot, prize money, treasure trove lemon, loser in the 13th century |