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jigsnounpl. of jig a clever often underhanded means to achieve an endokay, buster, the jig is up artifices, devices, dodges, fetches, flimflams, gambits, gimmicks, juggles, knacks, plays, ploys, ruses, schemes, shenanigans, sleights, stratagems, tricks, wiles bluffs, end runs, feintschicaneries, cozenages, crafts, crookeries, cunnings, deceptions, duperies, duplicities, fakeries, juggleries, legerdemains, skulduggeries(or skullduggeries), subterfuges, trickeriesfrauds, gaffs, hoaxes, shams, swindlesblinds, fronts, smoke screens sleights of hand jigsverbpresent tense third-person singular of jigto make jerky or restless movementsthe mother could tell that her little boy had to use the bathroom because he was jigging fiddles, fidgets, jerks, jiggles, squiggles, squirms, thrashes, threshes, tosses, twists, twitches, wiggles, wriggles, writhes flits, flutters, twittersquakes, quivers, shakes, shivers, shudders, tremblespaces relaxes, rests, unwindscalms (down), stills |