例句 |
jitterinessnoun a state of nervousness marked by sudden jerky movementssensing the team's jitteriness before the big game, the coach gave a pregame speech that was more reassuring than inspirational edginess, fidgetiness, fidgets, flightiness, jumpiness, restiveness, skittishness agita, agitation, anxiety, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, disquiet, feverishness, franticness, freneticism, hand-wringing, perturbation, restlessness, trepidation, unease, uneasiness, upset, worrynerves, tenseness, tensionbutterflies, dither, heebie-jeebies, jimjams, jitters, shakes, shivers, willies confidence, self-assurance, self-confidence, surenesscontrol, self-controlaplomb, calm, calmness, collectedness, composure, coolness, ease, easiness, equanimity, equilibrium, imperturbability, poise, repose, self-possession, tranquillity(or tranquility), tranquilness |