例句 |
jivesnounpl. of jive the special terms or expressions of a particular group or fielda novel that captures dead-on the jive of young Hollywood hipsters argots, cants, dialects, jargons, languages, lingos(or lingoes), patois, patter, shops, shoptalk, slangs, terminologies, vocabularies colloquialisms, colloquials, idioms, localisms, parlances, pidgins, provincialisms, regionalisms, speeches, vernacularisms, vernacularsslanguagesbureaucrateses, computereses, cyberspeaks, educationeses, governmenteses, journaleses, technobabbles jivesverbpresent tense third-person singular of jiveto make fun of in a good-natured waydon't be upset—we're just jiving you chaffs, jokes, joshes, kids, rallies, razzes, ribs, rides, roasts, teases bantersfools, funs, strings alongjests, quips, wisecracksgags, japes, jollies, yuks(or yucks, slang) goofs on(slang), takes the mickey out of(British) to make jokesour team was laughing and jiving after our surprise win banters, chaffs, fools, funs, gags, japes, jests, jokes, jollies, joshes, kids, quips, wisecracks, yuks(or yucks, slang) gibes(or jibes), hazes, jeers, mocks, rags, rallies, razzes, ribs, ridicules, teasescaricatures, lampoons, parodies, satirizesamuses, diverts, entertains cracks wise |