例句 |
disadvantagenoun a feature of someone or something that creates difficulty for achieving successtheir lack of height was a disadvantage on the basketball court debit, disbenefit, downside, drawback, handicap, incommodity, liability, minus, negative, strike albatross, millstone, strangleholddisability, impairmentfailing, shortcomingbar, catch, check, clog, crimp, embarrassment, hindrance, hitch, hurdle, impediment, interference, let, manacle, obstacle, obstruction, rub, shackle, stop, trammel advantage, asset, edge, plus vantagehead start, jump, lead, margin, startascendancy(also ascendency), better, command, control, drop, mastery, predominance, superiority, supremacy, transcendence, upper handprerogative, privilegebreak, opportunityaid, assistance, help the negative result caused by something that creates difficulty for achieving successintense pretrial publicity worked to our disadvantage despite, detriment, disfavor, penalty deficit, deprivation, expense, lossdamage, harm, hurt, injuryprejudice advantage, favor gain in the 14th century |