例句 |
disarraysnounpl. of disarray a state in which everything is out of orderthe boys' bedroom was in its usual disarray chance-medleys, chaoses, confusions, disarrangements, dishevelments, disorders, disorganizations, free-for-alls, havoc, hecks, hells, jumbles, mare's nests(or mares' nests), messes, misorders, muddles, musses, shambles, snake pits, tumbles, welters anarchies, misrules, riotsknots, snarls, tangleslabyrinths, mazes, websmaelstroms, stormsbollixes, clutters, litters, mishmashes, shuffleshodgepodges, medleys, miscellanies, morasses, motleys orders methods, patterns, plans, systems disarraysverbpresent tense third-person singular of disarrayto undo the proper order or arrangement ofhe had accidentally disarrayed his brother's CDs, leaving a telltale sign of borrowing without permission confuses, deranges, disarranges, discomposes, dishevels, disjoints, dislocates, disorders, disorganizes, disrupts, disturbs, hashes, jumbles, messes (up), mixes (up), muddles, musses, rumples, scrambles, shuffles, tousles, tumbles, upsets embroils, entangles, snarls, tanglesagitates, perturbs, stirs (up), unsettlesclutters arranges, arrays, disposes, draws up, marshals(also marshalls), orders, organizes, ranges, regulates, straightens (up), tidies aligns(also alines), lines, lines up, queuesclassifies, codifies, methodizes, systematizes, systemizesadjusts, fixesgrooms, makes up, spruces (up)unscrambles |