例句 |
disbursementnoun a payment made in the course of achieving a resultsubstantial disbursements for research and development charge, cost, expenditure, expense, outgo, outlay overheadoutflowpocket money, spending moneyprice, rate, tab, tariff, toll the act of offering money in exchange for goods or servicesthe disbursement of the foundation's funds to several cancer research centers compensation, giving, paying, payment, remitment, remittance, remuneration rendering, tenderingreimbursement, repaymentpaying off, paying up, prepaymentoverpayment nonpayment underpayment the act or process of giving out something to each member of a groupthe agency whose responsibilities included the disbursement of strains of the virus to medical research labs around the country admeasurement, allocation, allotment, apportionment, dispensation, distribution, division, issuance reallocation, reapportionment, redistribution, redivision, repartitionpartition, separation ca. 1599 |