例句 |
pulls inverbpresent tense third-person singular of pull in to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)a company that cannot manage to pull in costs will not be in business for very long bridles, checks, constrains, contains, controls, curbs, governs, holds, inhibits, keeps, measures, regulates, reins (in), restrains, rules, tames bottles (up), chokes (back), holds back, minces, muffles, pockets, represses, sinks, smothers, squelches, stifles, strangles, suppresses, swallowsarrests, interrupts, stopsblocks, hampers, handcuffs, hinders, impedes, obstructsgags, muzzles, silences loses liberates, loosens, looses, unleashesairs, expresses, takes out, vents to take or keep under one's control by authority of lawhe was pulled in after a random traffic stop turned up drugs in his car apprehends, arrests, busts(slang), collars, nabs, nails, nicks(British slang), picks up, pinches, restrains, runs in, seizes bags, captures, catches, gets, grabs, grapples, hooks, lands, snaps (up), snares, snatches, trapscommits, confines, detains, holds, immures, imprisons, incarcerates, interns, jails, jugs, locks (up)binds, enchains, fetters, handcuffs, manacles, shackles, trammelsrearrestsremands discharges emancipates, frees, liberates, loosens, looses, releases, springsunbinds, unchains |