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feastnoun a large fancy meal often accompanied by ceremony or entertainmentsome 90 Native Americans showed up for the feast put on by the Pilgrims at Plymouth banquet, dinner, feed, regale, spread chow, mess, repast, tableblowout, carnival, festival, fete(or fête), gala, party, shindigfestivitybarbecue(also barbeque), clambake, cookout, fry, luau, roastbuffet, luncheon, smorgasbord a source of great satisfactionthe colorful Mardi Gras parade is a feast for the senses delectation, delight, gas(slang), joy, kick, manna, pleasure, treat amusement, diversion, entertainment, fun, recreationcomfort, relief, solacegratification, indulgenceambrosia an amount or supply more than sufficient to meet one's needson the Internet there's a feast of information about this medical condition abundance, cornucopia, plenitude, plentitude, plenty, plethora, superabundance, wealth adequacy, competence, competency, sufficiencyampleness, amplitude, liberalityexcess, overdose, overflow, overkill, oversupply, redundancy, superfluity, superfluousness, surfeit, surpluscopiousness, fecundity, fertility, fruitfulness, opulence, richnesslavishness, luxuriance embarrassment of riches deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply paucity, poverty, scarcitybarrenness, infertility, sterility feastverbto entertain with a fancy mealthe returning war heroes were feasted all over the country banquet, dine, junket, regale board, cater, feed, provisionfete(or fête), honor, recognize to give satisfaction tofeast your eyes on all the fresh flowers at the farmers' market agree (with), content, delight, gas(slang), glad(archaic), gladden, gratify, please, pleasure, rejoice, satisfy, suit, warm appease, mollify, pacify, placate, sootheassuage, quench, sate, satiateexcite, tickle, titillateamuse, divert, entertain, treatcaptivate, charmgalvanize, thrillcalm, comfortcater (to), humor, indulgecoddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil displease aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, cross, exasperate, gall, get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, perturb, pique, put out, ruffle, vexanger, enrage, incense, inflame(also enflame), infuriate, madden, outrage, rankle, rile, roil, steam upprovoke, rouseagitate, distress, disturb, fret, upsetharass, harry, pesteraffront, insult, offend in the 13th century |