例句 |
featnoun an act of notable skill, strength, or clevernessWashington's legendary feat of tossing a silver dollar across the Rappahannock River deed, exploit, number, stunt, tour de force, trick accomplishment, achievement, attainment, coup, success, triumphadventureperformance something done by someonefamously rich, the oil magnate is today remembered less for his feats than for his finances act, action, deed, doing, exploit, thing accomplishment, achievement, attainmentadventure, experienceemprise, enterprise, initiative, undertakinghandiwork, performance, workstunt, trickactivity, dealingmaneuver, measure, move, operation, procedure, proceeding, step, tacticcoaction feat, exploit, achievement mean a remarkable deed.feat implies strength or dexterity or daring.an acrobatic feat exploit suggests an adventurous or heroic act.his exploits as a spy achievement implies hard-won success in the face of difficulty or opposition.her achievements as a chemist in the 14th century |