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purposiveadjective made, given, or done with full awareness of what one is doingfacial tics and other unconscious movements that one would not normally call purposive actions conscious, deliberate, intended, intentional, knowing, purposeful, set, voluntary, willed, willful(or wilful), witting designed, plannedadvised, calculated, considered, measured, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, weighedpremeditated, premeditative, prepensediscretionary, elective, optional, volunteer nondeliberate, nonpurposive, unintentional inadvertent, unwittingaccidental, chance, haphazard, hit-or-miss, incidental, randomaimless, desultory, purposelessabrupt, impetuous, suddencoerced, forced, involuntarycompulsory, mandatory, necessary, nonelective, obligatory, ordered, requiredcasualextemporaneous, impromptu, impulsive, instinctive, spontaneous, unforced, unpremeditated in 1849 |