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discretionnoun the ability to make intelligent decisions especially in everyday matterswe'll rely on your discretion in handling this accusation of cheating common sense, discreetness, gumption(chiefly dialect), horse sense, levelheadedness, nous(chiefly British), policy, prudence, sense, sensibleness, wisdom, wit street smartsfarsightedness, forehandedness, foresight, foresightedness, forethoughtfulness, judgment(or judgement)brains, gray matter, intelligencelogicality, logicalness, practicality, rationality, rationalnessdiscernment, discrimination, insight, sagacity, sapienceacumen, astuteness, clearheadedness, keenness, penetration, perspicacity, shrewdnesscare, caution, circumspection, precaution, premeditation imprudence, indiscretion shortsightednessbrainlessness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, senselessness, stupiditycarelessness, heedlessnessunreasonableness the power, right, or opportunity to chooseambassadorships are generally regarded as subject to the president's discretion alternative, choice, druthers(dialect), election, liberty, option, pick, preference, selection, volition, way determination, free will, willsay, voice, voteinclination, liking, partiality, penchant, predilection, proclivity, propensity, tendencydiscernment, judgment(or judgement), perspicacity coercion, duress, forceduty, obligationHobson's choice the checking of one's true feelings and impulses when dealing with othersin that job you'll be expected to show discretion and act like a professional at all times constraint, continence, discipline, inhibition, refrainment, repression, reserve, restraint, self-command, self-control, self-restraint, suppression command, control, mastery, possessionself-censorship, self-containment, self-denial, self-discipline, self-government, self-mastery, will, willpowercomposure, self-poise, self-possessionaloofness, detachedness, distancebashfulness, modesty, shynessreticence, silence, taciturnity disinhibition, incontinence, unconstraint self-abandonment, uninhibitednessunrestrainednessgratification, indulgence, overindulgence, self-indulgencebluntness, candor, franknessimmoderacy, intemperance in the 14th century |