例句 |
feenoun the amount of money that is demanded as payment for somethingmy dentist's fees seem to increase with every visit ante, charge, cost, damage, figure, freight, price, price tag fair market value, market value, valuation, valueasking price, list price, sticker priceprice point, rate, tariff, unit pricecarrying charge, overcharge, service charge(also service fee), surchargededuction, discount, markdown, reduction, saledepositdown paymentaccount, bill, check, invoice, tab feeverbchiefly Scottishto provide with a paying jobthe townspeople fee country lasses as housemaids, nurses, and cooks assume, employ, engage, hire, lay on(chiefly British), pay, place, recruit, retain, sign (up or on), take on reemploy, reengage, rehireapprentice, contract, job, partner, subcontractenlistadvance, promote, upgradekeep (on)headhunt, scout ax(or axe), can, discharge, dismiss, fire, sack furlough, lay off, lock out in the 14th century |