例句 |
junctionsnounpl. of junction a place where two or more things are unitedsituated at the junction of several major railways, the city has long been a transportation hub connections, couplings, joinings, joins, joints, jointures, junctures links, nexuses(or nexus), tiesinterconnections, intersectionsabutments, articulations, attachmentsseams, suturesconcourses, confluences, meetingsunions clefts, cracks, crevices, fissures, gaps, rifts, separations the act or an instance of joining two or more things into onethe junction of the coalition's two military forces has not been without problems combinations, connections, consolidations, couplings, mergers, unifications, unions agglomerations, amalgamations, blends, coalescences, fusions, intermixtures, mixes, mixtures, synthesesreunifications, reunions breakups, disconnections, dissolutions, disunions, divisions, partings, partitions, schisms, scissions, splits detachments, divorcements, separations, severances a place where roads meetthe town finally installed a traffic light at that busy junction carrefours, corners, crossings, crossroads, crossways, intersections cloverleafs(or cloverleaves), interchanges, overpasses, underpassescircles, rotaries, roundabouts(British), traffic circles |