例句 |
juncturesnounpl. of juncture a particular and often important moment in timeat the present juncture, I think the country is looking for a strong president points beats, cracks, flashes, heartbeats, instants, jiffies, minutes, moments, nanoseconds, seconds, shakes, split seconds, ticks, trices, twinkles, winksbits, spells, stretches, whilesbrinks, cusps, nicks, thresholds, vergescrises, crunch times, wires moments of truth a place where two or more things are unitedthe water is leaking at the juncture of those two pipes connections, couplings, joinings, joins, joints, jointures, junctions links, nexuses(or nexus), tiesinterconnections, intersectionsabutments, articulations, attachmentsseams, suturesconcourses, confluences, meetingsunions clefts, cracks, crevices, fissures, gaps, rifts, separations a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive actionwe have now arrived at a juncture where something must be done to avert war boiling points, breaking points, clutches, conjunctures, crises, crossroads, crunches, crunch times, Dunkirks, emergencies, exigencies, extremities, flash points, heads, tinderboxes, zero hours contingencies, possibilitiesclimaxes, turning pointshappenings, landmarks, milestonesconditions, passes, situations, straitsdeadlocks, impasses, stalematescorners, fixes, holes, hot waters, jams, last ditches, pinches, predicaments, scrapes, spotseleventh hours, last minutes moments of truth, points of no return |