例句 |
jutsnounpl. of jut a part that sticks out from the general mass of somethingCape Fear is one of the more colorfully named juts along the North Carolina coast bulges, bunches, convexities, overhangs, projections, protrusions, protuberances, swells domesblobs, bumps, dilatations, gibbosities, humps, knobs, knots, knurls, lumps, nubs, obtrusions, puffs, snags, swellingsblocks, pieces, portions, sectionsenlargements, escalations, expansions, increaseshills, mounds cavities, concaves, concavities, dents, depressions, dints, hollows, indentations, indents, indentures, pits, recesses craters, holes, wellsbasins, bowls, dips, valleysfurrows, grooves, trenches, troughsdimples, gouges, impressions, notches, pockets jutsverbpresent tense third-person singular of jutto extend outward beyond a usual pointthe sandbar juts out into the ocean bags, balloons, beetles, bellies, billows, bulges, bunches, overhangs, pokes, pooches(chiefly dialect), pouches, pouts, projects, protrudes, stands out, starts, sticks out, swells domesblows up, inflatesdilates, distends, expandsmushrooms, snowballselongates, extends, lengthens, stretches compresses, condenses, constricts, contracts, shrinks |