

单词 put-ons
例句 put-onsnounpl. of put-on

a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceivemy bravery was all a put-on—I was scared out of my wits

acts, airs, charades, disguises, facades(also façades), fronts, guises, masquerades, poses, pretenses(or pretences), semblances, shows

impersonations, performances, portrayalsimages, personae(or personas)appearances, colors, glossescamouflages, cloaksaffectations, deceits, deceptions, dissimulations, double-dealings, duplicities, fakeries, frauds, guilesbetrayals, double crosses, falsities, infidelities, perfidies, treacheries, treasonsexcuses, pretexts

candors, sinceritiesnaïvetés(also naivetes or naivetés)

a work that imitates and exaggerates another work for comic effectfor a moment, I couldn't tell if the commercial was serious or a deadpan put-on of ads by other insurance companies

burlesques, caricatures, parodies, ribs, send-ups, spoofs, takeoffs, travesties

lampoons, mockeries, satirescomedies, farces, humors, sketches, slapsticks, squibsdistortions, exaggerationsimitations, impersonations





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