例句 |
feesnounpl. of fee the amount of money that is demanded as payment for somethingmy dentist's fees seem to increase with every visit antes, charges, costs, damages, figures, freights, prices, price tags fair market values, market values, valuations, valuesasking prices, list prices, sticker pricesprice points, rates, tariffs, unit pricescarrying charges, overcharges, service charges(also service fees), surchargesdeductions, discounts, markdowns, reductions, salesdepositsdown paymentsaccounts, bills, checks, invoices, tabs feesverbpresent tense third-person singular of feechiefly Scottishto provide with a paying jobthe townspeople fee country lasses as housemaids, nurses, and cooks assumes, employs, engages, hires, lays on(chiefly British), pays, places, recruits, retains, signs (up or on), takes on reemploys, reengages, rehiresapprentices, contracts, jobs, partners, subcontractsenlistsadvances, promotes, upgradeskeeps (on)headhunts, scouts axes, cans, discharges, dismisses, fires, sacks furloughs, lays off, locks out |