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putsverbpresent tense third-person singular of put to arrange something in a certain spot or positionyou can put this box next to the bookshelf deposes, deposits, disposes, emplaces, fixes, lays, places, positions, sets, sets up, situates, sticks moves, rearranges, reorders, shiftsorientsestablishes, locates, plants, settlesclaps, flops, planks, plops, plumps, plunks(or plonks), plunks down, slapsensconces, nichesassembles, collectscarriesberths, parksaffixes, anchors, locks, lodges, wedgesarrays, lays out, lines up, queues, rankssets down relocates, removes, takesbanishesdislodges, displaces, replaces, supersedes, supplants to convey in appropriate or telling termstried to think of a good way of putting the news articulates, clothes, couches, expresses, formulates, phrases, says, states, words crafts, frameshints, implies, insinuates, intimates, suggestsparaphrases, rephrases, restates, rewords, summarizes, translatescommunicates, discloses, speaks, talks, tells, utters, verbalizes, vocalizesdescribes, renders, writes up to decide the size, amount, number, or distance of (something) without actual measurementput the time of the photograph at about noon calculates, calls, conjectures, estimates, figures, gauges(also gages), guesses, judges, makes, places, reckons, supposes concludes, deduces, extrapolates, gathers, infers, reasons, understands calibrates, measures, scalescomputes, works out to establish or apply as a charge or penaltya proposal to put a special tax on luxuries assesses, charges, exacts, fines, imposes, lays, levies docks, excises, mulcts, penalizes, taxesextorts, shakes down, wrests, wringsbleeds, fleeces, gouges, milks, skins, squeezescoerces, compels, forcesinflicts, wreakssetsreapplies, reimposes, relays remits abates, diminishes, lessensforgives, releasescondones, disregards, excuses, glosses (over), glozes (over), ignores, pardons to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situationput the words of his patriotic poem to the tune of a well-known drinking song acclimates, acclimatizes, accommodates, adapts, adjusts, conditions, conforms, doctors, edits, fashions, fits, shapes, suits, tailors readapts, readjustscustomizes, gears, matches, models, patternsattunes, corrects, harmonizes, squares, tunesestablishes, roots, settlesacquaints, familiarizes, orientates, orientsequips, prepares, primes, rehearseshardens, inures, seasons, toughensalters, converts, makes over, modifies, recasts, reclaims, recycles, redesigns, redevelops, redoes, reengineers, refashions, refigures, refits, refocuses, reinvents, rejiggers, remakes, remodels, revamps, revises, reworks, transformsaccustoms, conditions, habilitates, habituates, naturalizesreadies, seasonsbendsfiddles (with), fine-tunes, phases, registers, regulates, rigs misadjusts to risk (something) on the outcome of an uncertain eventdeciding to go for broke, he put $1000 on a horse that had 20 to 1 odds bets, gambles, goes, lays, plays, stakes, wagers bids, offersadventures, chances, hazards, speculates, venturesendangers, imperils, jeopardizes |