例句 |
pygmiesnounalso pigmiespl. of pygmy a living thing much smaller than others of its kindhummingbirds may be the pygmies of the avian world, but what they lack in size they make up for in beauty diminutives, dwarfs(also dwarves), midgets, mites, peewees, runts, scrubs, shrimp(or shrimps), Tom Thumbs nubbinsminiatures, minisbantamshomunculi, hop-o'-my-thumbs, manikins(also mannikins)half-pints behemoths, colossi, giants, jumbos, leviathans, mammoths, monsters, titans whales, whoppers a person of no importance or influenceregrettably, most of the candidates for the party's nomination that year were political pygmies ciphers, dwarfs(also dwarves), half-pints, insects, insignificancies, lightweights, morsels, nobodies, nonentities, nullities, numbers, pip-squeaks, shrimp(or shrimps), snippersnappers, twerps, whippersnappers, zeros(also zeroes), zilches no-names, noncelebritiesleastsinferiors, mediocrities, obscuritiesfigureheads, puppetsnonpersons big shots, big wheels, bigwigs, eminences, figures, kahunas, kingpins, magnates, nabobs, personages, somebodies, VIPs chiefs, heads, leaders, leadscelebrities, luminaries, notables, personalities, planets, stars, superstarsauthorities, superiorsgreat powers, parties, powers |