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qualificationnoun a skill, an ability, or knowledge that makes a person able to do a particular jobthe fashion firm was looking for an applicant who could list superior sewing skills among his or her qualifications capability, credentials, goods, stuff command, expertise, know-how, mastership, mastery, proficiencyability, capacity, competence, competency, facility, facultyaptitude, endowment, flair, genius, gift, knack, talentforte, long suit, métier(also metier), specialism, speciality, specialty, strong suitfitness, suitability, suitablenessmakings, potentiality something upon which the carrying out of an agreement or offer dependswill give us his permission to go to the conference with the qualification that we make up the time later condition, contingency, if, provision, proviso, reservation, stipulation strings, termsprecondition, prerequisite, requirement, requisitelimitation, modification, restrictionexception, exemptiondemand, essential, must, necessity, need in 1538 |