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felinenoun a small domestic animal known for catching micethe commercial claims that the product will please the palate of even the most finicky feline cat, house cat, kitty, moggy(also moggie, British), puss, pussy, pussycat mouserkit, kittenalley cat, tabbygib, tomcat felineadjectivemoving easilythe thief was eerily feline as he moved stealthily through the darkened rooms agile, featly, graceful, gracile, light, light-footed(also light-foot), lightsome, lissome(also lissom), lithe, lithesome, nimble, spry acrobatic, flexible, limber, loose-jointed, pliable, pliant, suppleadroit, deft, dexterous(also dextrous), light-fingeredfleet-footed, sure-footedathletic, balletic, coordinated awkward, clumsy, gawky, graceless, klutzy, lumbering, ungainly, ungraceful uncoordinatedinflexible, rigid, stiffbungling, inept, maladroit in 1681 |