例句 |
swearnoun a disrespectful or indecent word or expressioncan't you express your frustration without using swears? curse, cuss, cussword, dirty word, expletive, four-letter word, obscenity, profanity, swearword, vulgarism bawdry, language, scurrilityexecration, imprecation, maledictionepithet, nameoath swearverbto use offensive or indecent languageno one is allowed to swear in this house blaspheme, curse, cuss anathematize, confound, damn, execrate, imprecatefulminate, rail, rant, revile to make a solemn declaration of intentswear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth covenant, pledge, promise, vow affiance, betroth, plight, trothaccede, agree, assent, consentcontract, engage, ensure, guarantee, undertakeaffirm, assert, aver, avouch, avow, declare, insist, warrant give one's word to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a factthe sworn statement of the witness was presented as evidence attest, depose, testify, witness verifyvouchpromise, vow bear witness before the 12th century |