例句 |
dishesnounpl. of dish a usually circular utensil for holding something (as food)we threw all of the ingredients for the salsa into a dish and mixed them together vessels bowls, casseroles, chargers, cups, plates, platters, salvers, saucers, servers, trays, waiters a physically attractive personwhat a dish my blind date turned out to be! babes(slang), cuties(or cuteys), dolls, dreamboats(slang), foxes(also fox), glamour-pusses, hotties, knockouts, lookers, showstoppers, tens beauties, eyefuls, goddesses, lovelies, stunnersbeefcakes, hunks, studs, superstuds dogs dishesverbpresent tense third-person singular of dishto relate sometimes questionable or secret information of a personal naturea DJ who dishes the celebrity gossip as part of the morning programming blabs, gossips, talks, tattles, wags bandies (about), circulates, noises (about or abroad), rumorsblabbers, discloses, divulges, reveals, tellshints, implies, insinuates, intimates, lets on, suggestsinforms, reports, snitches, squeals, tips (off)babbles, spillsconfides spills the beans clams up, shuts up |