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dispatchedverbpast tense of dispatch to cause to go or be taken from one place to anotherdispatched a messenger with urgent news consigned, packed (off), sent, shipped, shot, transferred, transmitted, transported conveyed, delivered, handed over, passed, renderedadvanced, dropped, launchedaddressed, forwardedexported, importedbestowed, contributed, donated, gave, presentedresent, returned accepted, received acquired, drew, earned, gained, garnered, got, obtained, procured, secured to deprive of lifethe exterminator dispatched the termites with professional efficiency carried off, claimed, croaked(slang), destroyed, did in, felled, killed, slew, took bumped off, butchered, cut down, finished, got, iced(slang), knocked off, murdered, neutralized, offed(slang), put away, rubbed out, scragged, snuffed, took out, wasted, whacked(slang)annihilated, blotted out, decimated, killed off, massacred, mowed, slaughtered, smoteassassinated, executed, martyred, terminatedeuthanized(also euthanatized), put downsuicided did away with, did for(chiefly British), made away with animated raised, restored, resurrected, resuscitated, revivednurtured to put to death deliberatelyduring his reign of terror the dictator dispatched thousands without the slightest qualm assassinated, bumped off, croaked(slang), did in, executed, got, iced(slang), knocked off, liquidated, murdered, neutralized, offed(slang), put away, rubbed out, slew, snuffed, terminated, took out, whacked(slang) blew away, shot, shot downblotted out, carried off, claimed, cut down, destroyed, felled, killed, smote, zappedbutchered, massacred, mowed (down), slaughteredannihilated, eliminated, eradicated, exterminated, wiped out did away with animated, raised, restored, resurrected, resuscitated, revived to achieve a victory overthey dispatched the other team without breaking a sweat beat, bested, conquered, defeated, did down(British), got, got around, licked, mastered, overbore, overcame, overmatched, prevailed (over), skunked, stopped, subdued, surmounted, took, trimmed, triumphed (over), upended, won (against), worsted sweptedged (out), nosed out, pipped(British)annihilated, blew away, blew out, bombed, broke, buried, clobbered, creamed, crushed, drubbed, finished, flattened, overwhelmed, routed, shellacked, skinned, slaughtered, smoked(slang), snowed under, thrashed, trounced, upset, walloped, waxed(slang), whippedcapped, excelled, flourished, scored, succeededknocked off, knocked over, overpowered, overthrew, subjugated, unseated, vanquishedaced (out), bettered, eclipsed, exceeded, excelled, outdid, outdistanced, outfought, outshone(or outshined), outstripped, overtopped, surpassed, topped, transcended got the better of, knocked for a loop lost (to) fell, gave up, went down, went undercollapsed, failed, flopped, flunked, folded, washed out |