例句 |
dispelverb to cause (members of a group) to move widely apartthe sudden downpour dispelled the throng of street revelers clear out, disband, disperse, dissipate, scatter, squander break up, isolate, part, segregate, separate, split (up)diffuse, disseminate, diverge, spread assemble, cluster, collect, concentrate, congregate, gather, ingather agglutinate, conglomerateunify, unite scatter, disperse, dissipate, dispel mean to cause to separate or break up.scatter implies a force that drives parts or units irregularly in many directions.the bowling ball scattered the pins disperse implies a wider separation and a complete breaking up of a mass or group.police dispersed the crowd dissipate stresses complete disintegration or dissolution and final disappearance.the fog was dissipated by the morning sun dispel stresses a driving away or getting rid of as if by scattering.an authoritative statement that dispelled all doubt in the 15th century |