例句 |
keelsnounpl. of keel a large craft for travel by waterfor a few days at least, the Titanic was the largest and grandest keel afloat boats, ships, vessels aircraft carriers, argosies, barges, coasters, colliers, containerships, corvettes, cruisers, cutters, destroyers, ferryboats, flagships, freighters, icebreakers, ironclads, lightships, liners, men-of-war(also men-o'-war), merchantmen, merchant ships, motor ships, packets, steamers, steamships, superliners, supertankers, tankers, traders, tramps, transports, warships, watercraftsbarks(or barques), brigantines, brigs, caravels, clippers, junk, ketches, sailboats, schooners, square-riggers, tall ships, windjammers, xebecs, yachts |