例句 |
queensnounpl. of queen a usually glamorous woman who is preeminent in her field of activityduring the years that she was queen of the figure skating world, the endorsement offers poured in a lovely womanmost men might not look at her twice, but in her lover's eyes she's a queen babes(slang), beauties, beauty queens, cookies, cuties(or cuteys), dolly birds(British), enchantresses, eyefuls, foxes(also fox), goddesses, honeys, knockouts, stunners belles, charmers, peachesbathing beauties, cover girls, pinup girlshouriscutie-pies, dishes, dolls, dreamboats(slang), hotties, lookers, prettiescoquettes, femmes fatales, sirens, temptresses, vamps bags, frumpscrones, hags, witches |