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queerishadjective affected with nauseaif you don't take that antibiotic with food, you might feel a little queerish at first ill, nauseated, nauseous, qualmish, queasy(also queazy), queer, sick, sickish, squeamish green, peaked, peaky, sicklyunsettled, upset, woozy settledhealthy, well different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicionthe guy at the bar bought me a drink that left a queerish taste in my mouth bizarre, bizarro, cranky, crazy, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, funky, funny, kinky, kooky(also kookie), odd, off-kilter, off-the-wall, offbeat, out-of-the-way, outlandish, outré, peculiar, quaint, queer, quirky, remarkable, rum(chiefly British), screwy, spaced-out, strange, wacky(also whacky), way-out, weird, weirdo, wild aberrant, abnormal, addlepated, flakyextraordinary, fantastic(also fantastical), freak, freakish, freaky, phantasmagoric(or phantasmagorical), phenomenalatypical, rare, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwontedconspicuous, notable, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, salient, strikingatrocious, outrageous, shockingcrotchety, idiosyncratic, nonconformist, nonmainstream, out-there, unconventional, unorthodoxbaffling, bewildering, confounding, mystifying, perplexing, puzzling average, commonplace, everyday, garden, normal, ordinary, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, typical, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, workadayconformist, conservative, conventionalexpected, familiar, knee-jerk, predictablecommon, customary, frequent, habitual, regular, wonted |