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disrelishesnounpl. of disrelish a strong feeling of not liking or approvingshe showed a clear disrelish for the task of taking on her coworker's responsibilities allergies, aversions, disfavors, disinclinations, dislikes, downs(chiefly British), mislikes disgusts, distastes, loathings, nauseas, repugnances, repulsions, revulsionsabhorrences, abominations, antipathies, detestations, execrations, hates, hatredsdeprecations, disapprovals, displeasures, dissatisfactionsjaundices appetites, favors, likes, likings, partialities, preferences, relishes, shines, tastes, uses affections, attachments, devotions, loves, passionsbents, leanings, penchants, predilections, propensities, tendencies disrelishesverbpresent tense third-person singular of disrelishto feel dislike forI disrelish the thought of sitting through endless meetings on the matter disfavors, dislikes, mislikes abhors, abominates, detests, execrates, hates, loathes, resentscondemns, despises, scornscringes (at), disapproves (of), frowns (on or upon), minds, objects (to), shies (from or away from) adores, cottons (to), delights (in), digs, enjoys, fancies, grooves (on), likes, loves, relishes, revels (in) admires, appreciates, cherishes, esteems, regards, respectsadores, deifies, idolizes, reverences, reveres, venerates, worshipsprizes, treasures, valuesdrinks (in), savors(also savours)dotes (on), idolizesfavors, prefers |