例句 |
quotesnounpl. of quote a passage referred to, repeated, or offered as an examplehe got a book of quotes from his favorite author for his birthday citations, quotations allusions, referencesexcerpts, extractslines, parts, sectionssnippets quotesverbpresent tense third-person singular of quoteto give as an exampleI could quote to you a hundred instances in the past when you've lied to me adduces, cites, instances, mentions exemplifies, representsadverts (to), illustrates, instances, names, refers (to), specifies, touches (on or upon)bears out, corroborates, documents, substantiates, validatesreferences, sources to make reference to or speak about briefly but specificallyquoted Thomas Jefferson's views on liberty in her paper on the American Revolution adverts (to), cites, drops, instances, mentions, names, notes, notices, refers (to), specifies, touches (on or upon) alludes (to), hints (at), implies, indicates, infers, intends, intimates, suggestspoints (out), signals, signifiesdenominates, designatesindicatesbrings up, broaches, interjects, interpolates, interposes, introducesinfiltrates, insinuates, wormsadvertises, announces, broadcasts, declares, proclaims, pronounces, publicizes, publishes, soundsclarifies, clears (up), elucidates, explains, explicates, spells out disregards, forgets, ignores, neglects, overlooks, overpasses, passes over, slights to say after anotherdon't quote this to anyone, but I think we're going to Veracruz for winter vacation dittos, echoes, parrots, reechos, repeats mouthsapes, copies, copycats, emulates, imitates, mimes, mimics |