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sweatsnounpl. of sweat the active use of energy in producing a resultsave your sweat: no one will appreciate your efforts anyway efforts, elbow grease, exertions, expenditures, labors, pains, troubles, whiles, works drudgeries, grinds, slogs, strains, toils, travailsdints, energiesforces, mights, muscles, powers, puissancesattempts, endeavors, essays, flings, goes, passes, shots, stabs, trials, tries, whacks eases, facilities, fluenciesdormancies, inactions, inactivities, indolences, inertias, languors, quiescences very hard or unpleasant workit took years of sweat to bring the farm to the point where it is now donkeyworks, drudgeries, drudges, fatigues, grinds, labors, moils, slaveries, toils, travails spadeworksefforts, exertions, pains, struggles, troubleschores, duties, jobs, obligations, responsibilitiesroutines, tediums, treadmills fun, plays decompressions, eases, leisures, relaxations, reposes, restsamusements, dalliances, diversions, entertainments, recreations, sportsdormancies, inactivities, inertias a state of nervous or irritated concernhe always ends up in a sweat during tax season dithers, flusters, frets, fusses, huffs, lathers, pothers, stews, swelters, swivets, tizzies, twitters bothers, dudgeons, piquesalarms(also alarums), hand-wringings, panicsados, agitations, deliriums, distractions, furors, hysterias, uproarsnervous breakdowns sweatsverbpresent tense third-person singular of sweatto devote serious and sustained effortspent the afternoon sweating over her tax returns bangs away, beavers (away), digs (away), drudges, endeavors, fags, grubs, humps, hustles, labors, moils, pegs (away), plods, plows, plugs, slaves, slogs, strains, strives, struggles, toils, travails, tugs, works applies (oneself), buckles (down), digs in, hammers (away), knuckles down, pitches inattacks, drivesessays, triesexercises, exerts, overexerts, overworksekes out, grinds (out), puts out, scrabbles, scratchestrudges, wades sweats blood breaks, eases (up), lets up, slackensbums, chills, dallies, dillydallies, footles, goldbricks, goofs (off), hacks (around), hangs (around or out), idles, lazes, loafs, lounges, shirks, slacks (off), vegges out(or veges out)basks, lolls, relaxes, reposes, rests, unwindsdabbles, doodles, fools around, fribbles, goofs (around), hangs, hangs about(British), messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifles to experience concern or anxietydon't sweat over getting the application in a day late, as it probably doesn't matter bothers, fears, frets, fusses, stews, stresses, troubles, worries agonizeslongs, pines, yearnschafesdespairs gives a hang(or cares a hang), sweats blood acceptsabides, bears, endures, sticks out, stomachs, sustains, takes, tolerates to flow forth slowly through small openingsthe oil coat may sweat through this varnish bleeds, exudes, oozes, percolates, seeps, strains, transudes, weeps dribbles, drips, tricklesdischarges, emits, gives off, ventsemanates, flows, springs floods, gushes, pours, streams, surges slangto put a series of questions tothe narcotics squad tried sweating the mule, but he was genuinely clueless about the inner workings of the drug operation catechizes, examines, grills, interrogates, pumps, queries, questions, quizzes debriefscross-examines, cross-questionsannoys, harasses, hounds, pesterscanvasses(also canvases), polls gives the third degree to, picks the brains of |