例句 |
swelteringadjective having a notably high temperaturethe air conditioning was broken, and it was sweltering in the office ardent, boiling, broiling, burning, fervent, fervid, fiery, hot, piping hot, red, red-hot, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, sultry, superheated, torrid, ultrahot, white-hot blazing, glowing, igneous, molten, seething, sizzlingheated, overheated, reheated, warmedsnug, toasty, warm, warmishfeverish, flushed, inflamed(also enflamed)canicular, muggy, steamy, summerlike, summery, tropical algid, arctic, bitter, bone-chilling, cold, freezing, frigid, frozen, glacial, ice-cold, iced, icy chill, chilly, coldish, cool, coolish, nippy, snappyblizzardly, frosty, snowy, subfreezing, subzero, wintry(also wintery)chilled, cooled, refrigerated, unheatedbenumbed, numb, shivering in 1566 |