例句 |
miennoun the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a qualitythe friendly mien of the librarian suggested that she was willing to offer any needed help appearance, aspect, dress, figure, garb, look, outside, presence, regard(archaic) air, attitude, bearing, behavior, comportment, demeanor, deportment, manner, poise, posecarriage, posture, stancecast, mold, shape, turncolor, coloring, complexioncountenance, face, features, habit, habitus, person(archaic), physiognomy, superficies, visage cut of one's jib bearing, deportment, demeanor, mien, manner, carriage mean the outward manifestation of personality or attitude.bearing is the most general of these words but now usually implies characteristic posture.a woman of regal bearing deportment suggests actions or behavior as formed by breeding or training.your deportment was atrocious demeanor suggests one's attitude toward others as expressed in outward behavior.the haughty demeanor of the headwaiter mien is a literary term referring both to bearing and demeanor.a mien of supreme self-satisfaction manner implies characteristic or customary way of moving and gesturing and addressing others.the imperious manner of a man used to giving orders carriage applies chiefly to habitual posture in standing or walking.the kind of carriage learned at boarding school ca. 1522 |