例句 |
kind ofadverb to some degree or extentthose sheets are kind of new, so use something else to cover the floor while painting enough, fairly, kindly(chiefly Southern), like, moderately, more or less, pretty, quite, rather, relatively, something, somewhat, sort of acceptably, decently, passably, tolerablylittle, negligibly, nominally, slightly, vaguelyhalf, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly, partway a bit, after a sort, a little, a mite, a tad, a touch, of sorts(or of a sort), to a degree awfully, beastly, deadly, especially, exceedingly(also exceeding), exceptionally, extremely, frightfully, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, mightily, mortally, particularly, surpassingly, terribly, veryconsiderably, extensively, significantly, substantially in 1775 |