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kingnoun a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular fieldthe undisputed king of automobile sales for the entire metropolitan area baron, captain, czar(also tsar or tzar), lion, lord, magnate, mogul, monarch, Napoleon, prince, tycoon big boy, big cheese, bigfoot, biggie, big gun, big shot, big wheel, bigwig, fat cat, figure, heavy, heavyweight, honcho, kahuna, main man, mover and shaker, nabob, nawab, notable, personage, pooh-bah(also poo-bah), supremo(chiefly British), VIPcelebrity, personality, star, superstardeity, demigod, god half-pint, lightweight, small-timerinferior, subordinate, underlingnobody, nothing, zero capitalizedthe being worshipped as the creator and ruler of the universeall bowed their heads in worship to the King Allah, Almighty, Author, Creator, deity, Divinity, Eternal, Everlasting, Father, God, Godhead, Jehovah, Lord, Maker, Providence, Supreme Being, Yahweh(also Jahveh or Yahveh) before the 12th century |