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distempersnounpl. of distemper an abnormal state that disrupts a plant's or animal's normal bodily functioningcontracted some tropical distemper while he was doing research in the jungles of Borneo affections, ailments, ails, bugs, complaints, complications, conditions, diseases, disorders, distemperatures, fevers, illnesses, ills, infirmities, maladies, sicknesses, troubles contagions, contagious diseasescontagia, infectionsattacks, bouts, fits, spellsdebilities, decrepitudes, weaknessesmalaises, matters, pipsepidemics, pestilences, pests, plagues distempersverbpresent tense third-person singular of distemperto trouble the mind of; to make uneasydespite his career success, he has been distempered by nagging feelings of inadequacy his whole life agitates, ails, alarms(also alarums), bothers, concerns, derails, discomforts, discomposes, dismays, disquiets, distracts, distresses, disturbs, exercises, flurries, frazzles, freaks (out), fusses, hagrides, perturbs, undoes, unhinges, unsettles, upsets, weirds out, worries aggravates, angers, annoys, bugs, chafes, chivies(or chivvies), exasperates, frets, galls, gets, grates, harasses, harries, irks, irritates, nettles, peeves, pesters, piques, puts off, puts out, riles, vexesbedevils, haunts, plaguesabashes, confounds, confuses, discomfits, disconcerts, discountenances, embarrasses, fazes, flusters, jars, mortifies, nonpluses(or nonplusses), rattles, shakes updaunts, demoralizes, discourages, disheartens, dispirits, unnerves calms, composes, quiets, settles, soothes, tranquilizes(also tranquillizes) allays, alleviates, assuagesappeases, conciliates, mollifies, pacifies, placates, propitiates |